Get to know me

I'm Christian Joseph R. Agopitac, but you can call me Cj. I'm 19 years old and currently enrolled at the University of Bohol, taking Computer Science. I'm a first-year student. I was born and raised here in Tagbilaran City, Bohol, specifically at Gallares Street. I love arts, particularly music. I'm an introverted guy who spends a lot of time at home playing instruments and doing some programming stuff. I took this course to become a skilled web programmer soon, and I'm determined to keep practicing until I achieve that goal.


I'm a thoughtful and introspective individual who thrives in the realm of introversion. Comfortable in my own solitude, I find solace in moments of quiet contemplation. With a natural inclination towards introspection, I possess a depth of thought and a unique perspective on life.

Observant and Detail-oriented

While social situations may bring about a sense of unease, I observe the world around me through an introspective lens. My acute observation skills allow me to notice the subtle nuances and details that often go unnoticed by others. This heightened awareness extends not only to people but also to the world of programming and art.

My love for Music and Photography

With an ardent love for music, I find solace and inspiration within its melodies. Music serves as a powerful companion, allowing me to express my emotions and connect with others on a deeply personal level. Whether it's the soft harmonies of a ballad or the energizing beats of a lively tune, my taste in music is eclectic and ever-evolving.

Photography serves as another medium through which I capture and share my unique perspective with the world. Through photography, I find a means of expression, revealing emotions, beauty, and stories that words often fail to convey.

My Hobbies

I have two hobbies: music and photography.

I don't usually go out that much, and I don't associate myself with big groups of people. I've always been introverted and very shy in public. I easily panic because of my social anxiety. That's why I love music and photography; they allow me to express my feelings and communicate without talking too much. These hobbies serve as outlets for my creativity and help me find peace and fulfillment.